How to create thank you page confirmation tracking

Create an eCommerce Tracking Pixel for your Confirmation  Page using Google Tag Manager Account

To follow these instructions, you will need to know your confirmation page URL to create the tracking code. The sample used is ""

STEP 1: Create a new tag in Google Tag Manager.
Log in to Google Tag Manager and click on the appropriate account, as with the other examples in this blog we are using "My eCommerce Business."

Google Tag Manager Account

Next click on the appropriate Container. For this example, we are using the fictitious "eComm Widget Store."

eComm Widget Store

Make sure you are in Container Draft and click on "New."

Container Draft Google Analytics

Next select "Tag."

select Tag eCommerce GA

You will now have to give the new tag a name. Call it something like “Transaction Sale.”
Transaction Sale Google Aanalytics

STEP 2: Select the type of tag. 
Since this is for the confirmation page and it is for eCommerce Analytics, you will have to start with Google Analytics and then choose Universal Analytics.
confirmation page for eComm Analytics

Now enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID which you received when you first set-up analytics. This Tracking ID is needed so that you can connect sales and revenue from your website with the incoming traffic and on-site visitor performance.
Google Analytics Tracking ID
Next select the Tag function by selecting the “Track Type.” In this case it is for a transaction or order.
Tag performance - Track Type

STEP 3: Set where and how the new tag "fires."
You will now have to configure when the tag fires. Please select “Firing Rules.”

Firing Rules Google Analytics

You will have to create a new rule for when the tag needs to fire. Please click on the radio check-mark for “Create new rule.”
Google Analytics Create new rule

Now name the rule something that is descriptive of the firing behavior of the tag. We will call this rule “Order Confirmation Page.”

name the rule in Google Analytics

Next, you will have to write a rule for when the tag needs to fire. Since this is for the confirmation page, select the URL from the drop down that contains only the root URI  for the "contains" parameter logic. Basically, the URL for the the page in your final step in the buying process. Check with your IT or Developer to find out what the confirmation page is called.

For this example we will assume the confirmation page contains the URI "thank-you.html" (this is only an assumption for explanation purposes ONLY, you will need to check with your IT or Developer for that actual page root URI. A note: most times the base URI is followed by query strings. Only use the root URI for the "contains" logic).

URI thank-you.html

You now have the tag named, the tag type, the tracking ID for the Google Analytics property, the track type and when it should fire. You are almost there. You just need to click “Save” if everything is in order.

Once you select “Save” you will be able to see all of the tags you have created. At this point there should only be two tags: Google Analytics (for site wide traffic) and the Transaction Sale tag we just created for tracking confirmation page and sales or orders. 

You are ready to create the instance of the two tags within the container. Please click the “Create Version” button.
Transaction Sale tag

STEP 4: Publish your new Tags!
Click on “Publish.”

Once you click on “Publish” you will have to confirm. Click “Publish” again.
publish tag GA eCommerce
Congratulations! Your new eCommerce tracking pixel is now live and ready to collect transaction data.

Need more help setting this up? We'll walk you through next steps for setting up your eCommerce analytics, schedule a free half hour appointment.

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